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Plus size beer garden fashion favourites

As summer is approaching and restrictions are easing we can finally spend time with friends and family outside and inside bars and restaurants. So in honor of this I’m sharing my plus size fashion favourites for those summer evenings in the beer garden or at BBQs. Curve wow First up my new favourite place for…

Anxiety and me …

Someone recently ask me ” how are you, are you okay?” And for a second this threw me off guard, I hesitated before answering with an awkward laugh “I honestly don’t know” Until that moment I don’t think It hit me that I wasn’t okay. And I although I was fully aware the person asking…

Brain fog and moving forward

Over the past month I have struggled to get anything written down for my blog. It’s been due to a mixture of brain fogg, lack of motivation and not feeling like myself that I haven’t written in so long. I never want to create any content for the sole purpose of having something to post.This…


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